Eminem's recent weight loss had many worrying about his state of mind, but all is well.

The rapper appeared at a Wall Street Journal looking sick and lean, sparking rumors of drug use, but that is not the case.

According to HollywoodTake, a friend of the rapper said, “He jogs and eats well. He's healthy and happy.”

Eminem do has history of using drugs, and talked about his battle with drugs in the documentary, How To Make Money Selling Drugs, released last year.

“When I took my first Vicodin, it was like this feeling of 'Ahh.' Like everything was not only mellow, but [I] didn't feel any pain,” he said. “I don't know at what point exactly it started to be a problem. I just remember liking it more and more.”

Em talked about his road to sobriety on his 2010 album Recovery, but said he'd now been sober for 5 years.

I had to regain motor skills, I had to regain talking skills. It's been a learning process. I'm growing,” he said.  “I couldn't believe that anybody could be naturally happy without being on something. So I would say to anybody, 'It does get better.'”

Credit: 360nobs

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